Our Service Structure

Typically our Sunday worship services follow this same basic agenda (this is often called “order of worship”).

Join us 10:45AM

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  • Instrumental prelude plays as candles are lit and we settle into our chosen places.

  • Call to worship, someone will read off the screens a few slides that help us settle into a spiritual mindset

  • Someone will guide us through a calming, grounding prayer.

  • This is sometimes called the Passing of the Peace. It basically means that while the band plays you are invited to stand up, walk around, shake hands or hug new and old friends. Not everyone into this and you are more than welcome to sit in your seat and not engage if you’d rather. You do you. :)

  • We sing two more songs. Some are older hymns and some are more contemporary. Words are displayed on the screen and song books are also available.

  • During this time our littles who are interested bring us all joy as they join in the inspiration by participating in a lesson with the pastor. We love engaging our youngest so-journers and want them to know they are an important and respected part of our community

  • Our current pastor, Reverend Kate Kilroy, often uses the lectionary (ADD HYPERLINK) as her text. Whe the text is from the books Matthew, Mark, Luke, or John we often stand as a tradition. You are not expected to stand. It is a tradition that shows respect but is it not disrespectful to those who stand if you choose not to or are unable to do so.

  • A sermon follows the text. Reverend Kate Kilroy (link to bio on the staff page) is an upbeat preacher who likes to create opportunities for optional engagement. She often uses humor and is charismatic in her presentation style. Occasionally there are coralting slides. Sermons are typically 20 minutes or so.

  • There is no expectation of giving money to the church. For those who choose to give they can give online or in the offering plates that are stationary in the sanctuary.

  • We collect prayer requests, pray together, and then end with various versions of the Lord’s prayer.

  • Learn what happening in the community and get involved if you’d like.

  • we sing a closing song, receive a blessing, and prepare for optional coffee and snack time.

  • Please join us for complementary snack time and connect with others.