What’s Happening at Ronald United:
Please know there are several other church actives and community activities in addition to the quick list available in the full calendar here or at the bottom of this page.
Also, if you don’t see a community opportunity you are hoping for please email us and let’s talk about creating what you’re looking for!
Sundays 10:45 AM
Whole Community Worship (online and in person)
Join us online or in person as we gather all of our diverse stories together and learn from the life of Jesus Christ about the Good News! Music (classical, folk, hymnal, and contemporary blend), fellowship, scripture, and inspirational preaching.
Learn more about what to expect on a Sunday here.
Click below to either watch the You Tube live stream or to watch the sermon live with others via zoom.
Chill Online Book Study
Mondays 6:30PM-7:30PM
This is a laid back group that only meets for one hour each Monday after they have read their chapter and watched the content on their own schedule. This is a more laid-back and soical way to engage in Bible Study for our modern times.
Mondays - Fridays 8 AM- 8:45 AM
5 minute morning devotions and optional discussion group. This is a gentle time of honoring our God with a slow reading of the short devotional. This gathering will be drop-in-friendly. That means it’s okay if you can’t come consistently because each session stands on its own, so you are free to participate (or drop in) as you are able.
Here are more details to help you get interested in this idea:
Join in a daily devotional reading from The Upper Room Daily Devotional Guide. This is a gentle time of honoring our God with a slow reading of the short devotional. This will be a time of tender listening to Spirit, and You can expect that your pastor will be willing to facilitate the meeting but will invite other readers and be happy to share in the facilitation as well. The hope is that this may become a regular part of your daily faith practice and a spiritual discipline to dedicate this time to God. And also, this gathering will be drop-in-friendly. That means it’s okay if you can’t come consistently because each session stands on its own, so you are free to participate (or drop in) if you are able. You are welcome to share this opportunity with others looking for a faith-affirming option beyond our Ronald United faith community, who are busy with their schedules.
If this opportunity is an excellent addition to your personal discipleship journey, we will continue this opportunity until July.
About the devotional:
You can access this devotional for free by clicking this link: https://www.upperroom.org/devotionals?page=7&path=neweverymorning, then clicking the header at the top of the page that says, and clicking the header at the top of the page that says “Looking for today's Daily Devotional? Click here to read it.”
Our Church also purchases a few copies of this devotional, and you may pick up a print copy (large print and pocket size) as long as the supplies last. We will keep investing in print copies as long as we see them utilized.
Each day’s devotional is written by a diverse group of people from all over the globe). The Upper Room intentionally publishes submissions from all over, as their slogan is “Where the World Meets to Pray.”
Kids’ Check-In
(Check-ins follow the Shoreline School District calendar and meet evey Monday there is school.)
Video Link (online only) https://greaternw.zoom.us/j/94272111815
Kids’ Check-In is a fun, high energy, kid centered one on one time for our kids with their pastor! This playful, virtual meeting is typically 30 to 45 minutes and packed full of fun, interactive games, relevant history, scripture and prayer. It is gear for ages 5-12. This allows your kiddo to grow in their own faith and establish a positive and nurturing relationship with God for their context. In addition, it allows our pastor to build relationships with our youngest disciples and makes faith accessible to their young, curious minds!
Would you like to have this automatically added to your google calendar? Email Pastor Kate “kids’ check-in calendar” at Pastor@RonaldUMC.org and she’ll share the calendar invite.
You will receive a gentle built-in reminder for all sessions (with the link included) so you don’t have to keep track of the dates yourself if you accept the calendar invitation! (You can delete this from your calendar at any time).
Tips & Details:
Kid’s check-in is drop-in friendly. This means it’s okay if your kiddo can’t come consistently because each session stands on its own. You are welcome to share this opportunity with other families looking for a faith option in their busy schedules.
Please encourage your kiddos to have their camera on (please don't worry about the laundry in the background or their messy hair- it’s all part of teaching them to show up as they really are and knowing God doesn't need us to perform or pretend perfection).
It’s okay for them to join from a phone or while on the go.
It’s okay if households need to share one screen but when possible if kids can use their own devices in separate rooms, it will maximize their experience.
We meet on whenever Shoreline school district school also has school.
Anti-Racism Book Group (online only)
Wednesday 7PM-8:15PM
The is a collaborative group is a group of primarily white people who are seeking to educate themselves to become better workers of equity justice for the healing of our community. They rotate their reading list and host a weekly reflection group to hold themselves accountable to their growth.
Join anytime. Click here for a list of resources you are invited to begin independently to aid you in your anti-racist efforts!
Thursday 6:30/7PM
Beers and Beliefs (in person and occasionally online)
This is an adventurous group that loves to socialize and share life with one another. The location and type of meeting varies from week to week. You will want to contact Pastor Kate (pastor@ronaldumc.or) to learn about the next meetings details and join the Facebook group for continued updates.
Thursday 10:15AM-12PM
Morning Bible Study (in person only)
(This group aslo has an online, more laid back and shorter version with the same content offered Mondays at 6:30!)
Come sit around the tabel and engage the Bible with robust conversation! We read together, discuss, pray, and even sing a song or two!
Thursdays 5:30 PM
Ronald Cafe (Dine in)
Join in the good work of creating community through food! Let’s feed our bodies and honor our neighbors! Ronald United partners with several other churches and the YMCA to serve the diverse socio-economic neighborhood that is it’s neighborhood community. ANYONE can get a meal. No matter their status. Rich, poor, ex-con, city official, church member, atheist, unhoused, and beyond share a meal to build hope in our collective well-being. Help us create a humane and healing community by eating together, or helping to prepare the meal, or cleaning up.
Join anytime.
Sign up to volunteer!
Saturdays 10AM
Choir (in person)
If making music lights you up join our choir! Open to the public! Email our Choir director for addtional information: d.cavinta@yahoo.com
Contact Us
A better future is possible. Contact us to learn more about our mission and work, or to become involved yourself.
17839 Aurora Ave. N
Shoreline, WA 98133
This is a reccommend website to help United Methodists (fresh to faith and familiar) navigate the complexities of our global insitution and faith practices. It is written the pastor of a neighboring church. Highly reccomended! :)
Church and community partner Calendar
Church and community partner Calendar *
Want to dd something to the calendar? Email the office using the form here or office@ronaldumc.org