What is Sunday Like?
Getting to know our culture:
This is what communal healing looks like at Ronald!
We are an intentionally multi-ethnic church. We are committed to be a place of healing from white supremist culture.
Hate speech will no be tolerated here. You will not be comfortable here if you believe the Bible should be used to justify the excluding of any of God’s creation.
Join our own anti-racism group and/or educate yourself- here are some helpful resources provided by our anti-racist group.
Please scoll all the way to the bottom of this page- Too much fun stuff to fit here!
Some of us get uncomfortable sitting still. Don’t feel obligated to sit statically in a pew or chair. Move as you need. Sit criss-cross-applesauce. Bring a fidget. If you’d like more movement we love that our lobby/narthex is wide, full of natural light, and boasts plenty of room to pace and sway! Please honor your body’s needs.
Our extroverts are reminded to honor the boundaries of others even as a friendly and huggy group! You are not expected to jump into all that physical contact and inter-personal conversation. You are not expected to engage in anyway that doesn’t honor you. While people may attempt to greet you and shake hands or chit-chat it is 100% okay to not engage. Feel free to indicate your needs in whatever ways feels right for you. Including (but not limited): staying in your seat when invited to greet others, walking away, scrolling on your phone, crossing your hands across your chest, saying you’d like some space, etc.
On a Sunday you will likely see someone in blue jeans sipping their espresso worshiping beside someone dressed in fine clothing who prefers to read out of the hardcopy hymnals instead of the projector. We love this variety.
Some traditions are connected to harmful ideas. In recognition that some traditions we practice might be triggering to those who have suffered abusive trauma from other Christian practices that have connected these traditions with that abuse. church.
We are working hard to own any of our compliance with those harms and disassociate that harm from the practices and rituals that help offer us structure and may yet have redeemable meaning. Therefore, in a Sunday worship service you will see people honoring some older, Anglican-traditional movements but now assign them to a liberating gospel as we continue to update our theology so these traditions might be life-giving again.
Some of those elements include singing at least one hymn each week, having a formal lighting of the Christ candle, having communion offered every first Sunday of the month, and we stand in honor of the reading of a Gospel (Matthew, Mark, Luke, & John). However, we boast progressive gospel while holding on to some practices, reclaiming them anew.
This social fellowship time is a casual part of our service but no less important than everything that came before it. We offer free coffee and snacks after Sunday service and really encourage everyone to come as they are ready.
We are doing our best to welcome those who are mobility-challenged. We continue to make improvements and welcome suggestions.
*We have an ADA-accessible bathroom on our main-floor outside the sanctuary.
*The stage area/chancel is fully accessible with a wheelchair or walker so mobility-impaired people are welcome to participate in baptisms, singing in the choir, serving as a liturgist, or whatever other purpose they may have.
*Both floors used for church (main floor and bottom floor) have ramps from their levels but we regret our elevator is not functioning. We are working toward repair as we recognize not having it is a quality issue. we apologize you may have to go around the building to change floors.
*Please know our building property is not level. Accessing the building itself can be a challenge on icy days due to the incline of the driveways. Please be sure to use caution.
You don’t need a bathroom pass!
Leave and take care of your body as needed.
We have an all-genders, ADA accessible, single-stall bathroom on our main level right beside our main hall (sanctuary/nave).
Addtional bathrooms are available down the hall on the main floor and additional bathrooms are downstairs.
Our culture with our kids
Kids can be kids! We welcome little bodies and encourage them to enjoy their childhoods! We celebrate noisy, high energy gifts of having kids with us.
We have a play center inside our worship space so families can stay together during worship if they’d like. We want the young ones to know they are honored members of our church too.
Kiddos have a special part in our service called “Childrens’ Time”. This is a fun and playful time for the kids to go up and sit on the steps of the stage (alter/chancel) and the pastor will spend some time sharing a spiritual idea in a playful and engaging way. No child is expected to participate and may leave and return to their caregivers at anytime. Caregivers are also welcome to come up with their littles.
Kids also have a highler interactice zoom call with the pastor on zoom each Monday where there is school! (5 PM Monday Zoom Link)
Oversight is available during Sunday worship. We have an attendant, Rachel, for littles up to 8 who want to have some more freedom. Sometimes caregivers and kids want this and sometimes they do not. Please let the pastor or person at the soundbooth know if you’d like this service as it is available and we simply need to know that you’d like to use it.
Rachel, Kids’ attendant