What is Sunday Like?
Housekeeping | Get to Know Our Culture
Kids can be kids! We welcome little bodies and encourage them to enjoy their childhoods! We celebrate noisy, high energy gifts of having kids with us.
Our kiddos have a special part in our service called “Childrens’ Time”. This is a fun and playful time for the kids to go up and sit on the steps of the stage (alter/chancel) and the pastor will spend some time sharing a spiritual idea in a playful and engaging way. No child is expected to participate and may leave and return to their caregivers at anytime. Caregivers are also welcome to come up with their littles.
Kids also have a special zoom call with the pastor on zoom each Monday where there is school! (5 PM Monday Zoom Link)
Oversight is available during Sunday worship. We have an attendant for littles up to 8 who want to have some more freedom. Sometimes caregivers and kids want this and sometimes they do not. Please let the pastor or person at the soundbooth know if you’d like this service as it is available and simply need to know that you’d like to use it. :)
Wiggle and Move!
Some of us get uncomfortable sitting still. Don’t feel obligated to sit statically in a pew or chair. Move as you need. Sit criss-cross-applesauce. Bring a fidget. If you’d like more movement we love that our lobby/narthex is wide, full of natural light, and boasts plenty of room to pace and sway! Please honor your body’s needs.
You don’t need a bathroom pass! Leave and take care of your body as needed. We have an all-genders, ADA accessible, single-stall bathroom on our main level right beside our main hall (sanctuary/nave).
Coffee Hour
This social fellowship time is a casual part of our service but no less important than everything that came before it. We offer free coffee and snacks after Sunday service and really encourage everyone to come as they are ready.